Sunday, September 20, 2015

TOW #2- Glad Advertisment

This advertisement is meant to make its viewers do a double take. At first they will see nothing wrong, then it hits them. This visual text shows what appears to be a watermelon, but it instead has red meat on the inside. The argument is that if the watermelon were to have been covered in Glad Cling Wrap, it would still be a watermelon. Glad is a very popular choice for household items such a cling wrap or trash bags. The ad was created by DDB ad agency which is owned by the world’s largest advertising holding company. The problem Glad found, is if food is let out it will start to spoil and will taste bad, to prevent this it must be taken care of a certain way. This ad was clearly produced in order to convince consumers to buy this cling wrap in order to protect their food’s taste. Adult consumers are the people more drawn to this ad as they are typically the ones shopping for these types of products. To prove their point, Glad used symbolism to portray a watermelon, but actually showed red meat. They’re not really depicting red meat but they used it in the image in place of watermelon to show what the watermelon would basically become without the cling wrap. Hyperbole is also used as a watermelon will not literally turn into meat or have such a drastic change in taste. This advertisement requires its audience to assume some information. It is not stated why the watermelon is meat, once the text at the bottom is read it is inferred that the watermelon is portrayed that way because it no longer tastes as it should. I believe their purpose was achieved. The ad looks disgusting; it makes me uneasy. Now whenever I see food sitting out without anything to protect it I will picture this ad and will  be grossed out by the food.creatiw41.jpg

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