Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence is a commonly referenced text as it has to do with the psychology of every person. The theory states that there are six different types of intelligences, everyone has some of each, though one that is dominant. This seems true to me to some extent, the qualifying statement that everyone has at least some of each intelligence helps its validity. Though I believe claiming there are only six possible dominant categories may be too little. If someone is not very good at one of these does that mean they are not intelligent? Or what if they are even in 2 of the possibilities? If I were to recreate this theory I would address these problems by adding more intelligences, maybe sub categories.
Gardner today would probably still believe his theory was still correct today,there are still clear signs some of his thoughts are correct. IQ tests predict success in school but not for actual adult life. This is because musicians and athletes may not be as intelligent in logic and linguistic. Sighting studies such as that one adds credibility to his argument, making it more believable. Though he does not use any classic model of argument, but it does not affect his argument. His arrangement is so that he can explain his reasoning for each single intelligence, so his arrangement is effective for his piece of writing.
Although this is now common knowledge for most teachers and common people, I do not believe we use this research to our advantage. We do not fulfill the author’s vision with our school’s reliance on standardized tests. This type of testing only appeals to a certain type of person, so someone can appear unintelligent to colleges when really they are just not skilled at test taking. I believe we should be using this helpful theory and knowledge to help create a better future for our youth. We need to focus on their strengths and boost them.
Gardner today would probably still believe his theory was still correct today,there are still clear signs some of his thoughts are correct. IQ tests predict success in school but not for actual adult life. This is because musicians and athletes may not be as intelligent in logic and linguistic. Sighting studies such as that one adds credibility to his argument, making it more believable. Though he does not use any classic model of argument, but it does not affect his argument. His arrangement is so that he can explain his reasoning for each single intelligence, so his arrangement is effective for his piece of writing.