Sunday, February 28, 2016

TOW #19 - Trump Political Ad

Donald Trump has become huge news in the United States and worldwide. Although he does not seem to be the most qualified presidential candidate, he still has huge support from many people. These people praise political ads such as this one, promoting Trump, trying to convince people to vote for him. They agree with the message promoted by the author, claiming many good things about Trump. I disagree with this poster for many reasons. I find that this poster has no solid argument or evidence to back it up. Although the author claims Trump would provide great leadership, there is no evidence to support that claim;  he has no experience in politics or leadership which proves that he would probably not be a good leader. He has also made many decisions that are considered unconstitutional and so that shows he does not know what he’s doing when it comes to running America. Despite all this, many people still agree with the author today.

If I were to create a new version of this poster, I would probably not include Trump in it, as I feel there is little to no evidence to use to support him. Though if I had to make  a new poster for Trump, it would include actual facts about his past accomplishments. I would keep the american flag as this taps into the audience’s patriotic feelings. Because this is a visual ad, the author did not use any common method or style in his argument. He simply used visual methods as well as some text with reasoning. And he does not cite sources as there are no actual facts, and so this argument is not very effective. This poster would most likely only reinforce someone’s feelings towards Trump if they liked him originally. If someone had never liked Trump I doubt this poster would change that.

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